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智萌教育观/GEM’s view of educations
[ 智萌教育观/GEM’s view of educations ]

1、教育的目标就是创造一个和谐的环境,使在这个环境中的每一位孩童、教师都感到自在、愉悦,生活得幸福。教育并不仅仅追求什么外在的目标,而是更多地注重内在的品质。教育要发展幼儿的创造力。The goal of education is to create a harmonious environment which makes every child and teacher comfortable, cheerful and happy. Education is not only the pursuit of an external target, but also pays attention to intrinsic quality of life. Education is supposed to develop  children's creativity ..

2、在教学方法上,智萌教师反对传统的单向灌输,反对把语言文字作为获取知识的捷径,他们认为教育就是要为孩童带来更多的可能性去创新和发现,教育在于给孩童创设学习的情境,帮助孩童在与情境中的人、事、物相互作用的过程中主动建构知识。On teaching methods, Gem teachers are against the traditional one-way infusion, of language as a shortcut to acquire knowledge. They think education is to bring children to the point of their own discoveries and creations. Education is supposed to create learning situations which help children actively construct knowledge in the process of interactions.

3、教育应以孩童为中心,应从孩童的兴趣、需要及经验出发。儿童在教育过程中和课程决策上应有参与与发表意见的机会。但这并非意味着绝对孩童中心主义,除孩童以外,教师与家长在孩童教育上也扮演重要的角色,起重要的作用。Education should be centered on children's interests, needs and experience. Children should have the opportunity of participation and comment in the process of education and curriculum. But this does not mean absolute centralism of children, in addition to children, teachers and parents also play an important role their education. 

“与其牵着孩童的手,倒不如让他们靠自己的双脚站立。”在孩童的探索过程中,教师应掌握正确的时机,适当地介入,协助孩童发现问题,帮助孩童提出问题。Gem thinks between "teaching" and "learning", we should respect the latter more ."Instead of holding a child's hand, it is better to let them stand on their own two feet." In the process of children’s exploration, teachers should grasp the right opportunity and proper intervention to help children discover problems and  ask questions. 

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